Thursday, May 1, 2014

Craven images

There's much craziness coming out of Oklahoma these days. Seems the Governor can't control her batty daughter who insists on insulting that state's Native American people with feathery fake headgear and offensive fake ceremonial dances. Hell, she can't control her corrections department either if the recent botched execution is any measure (Note to the Guv - executions aren't executions if the condemned dies from a heart attack.) 

Come to think of it, she's having trouble controlling something as simple as what statuary belongs in the state house. Seems a state rep paid for and donated a statue of the Ten Commandments for installation in the capitol building. Now, constitutional scholars know that if you open the door for one religion, you open it for all. Enter a group of civic minded Satanists. They've raised enough money for a Baphomet figure, hired an artist and come up with the mold. Soon it will be bronzed and ready for installation. I guess they figure it will look swell next to those Ten Commandments.

Oh, they have a website, naturally.

Talk about polarization. 

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