In a stunning departure from his past positions, Mayor Eric Papenfuse has professed support for elected politicians controlling public purse strings. Could the little oligarch’s puppet be a closet democrat?
The remark came amidst the mayor’s rant against the Civil War Museum, an entity he views as unfairly benefitting from city largesse. Of the Hershey Harrisburg Regional Visitors Bureau, he said, "It's just wrong to have millions of dollars in city assets controlled by an unelected group of self-appointed board members with no real connection to Harrisburg.”
That position is radically different than the one Citizen Papenfuse embraced when he advocated for a Midtown Improvement District (MID) to bankroll additional security in Midtown (around his business) after a well-publicized robbery.
The MID would have come into existence had the matter been placed on a ballot sent to all property owners within the District’s proposed borders. Unless 40% of property owners had voted 'no', the District would have been established with the right to levy assessments against area residents. So in the spirit of representative democracy, property owners who failed to vote would have been counted as ‘yes’ votes. The MID would have been run by an unelected board with discretion to spend the funds as they saw fit. The MID effort died on the vine before reaching fruition.
All of that is now in the past though. Since becoming an elected official, Mayor Papenfuse now sees the wisdom of leaving public spending to elected officials. What an epiphany.)
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